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We have partnered with 160+ state funded sixth forms.
Please get in touch, and we will send out posters and flyers to you to help you promote Career Compass. One of our representatives is happy to present this lucrative opportunity at your assembly.

Exam Day

Joyce, Head of Y12/13, Regents High School

"Career Compass is a phenomenal opportunity for our Sixth Form students to gain experience in the professional working environment. As students from less advantaged backgrounds, they showed great attentiveness and enthusiasm during the assembly as they were aware of the potential barriers they may face in gaining substantial work experience in the future. We appreciate this fantastic opportunity to help the young people raise their aspirations, inspirations and ambitions in preparing for their future careers."

Obi, Careers Lead, LAE Tottenham

"'I have found Career Compass to be a very valuable program for students at LAET. As a school we are keen on increasing opportunities for our students that develop their employability skills whilst offering them valuable experience. Career Compass also helps us achieve various aspects of the GATSBY benchmarks particularly 5 (encounters with employers and employees) and 6 (encounters with the workplace)."

Shirley, 6th Form Achievement Team Leader, The Warren School 

"Working with Career Compass is great: the Year 12 students received an engaging assembly on the world of work and how they could apply for bespoke work experience which is so hard to come by, encouraging many mores students to apply."

Chris, Head of Y12, Haberdashers' Aske's Hatcham College

"Working with Career Compass has been excellent. The enthusiasm exhibited by the sixth form in the assembly and the weeks afterwards, clearly illustrates a well thought out programme. It is an insightful opportunity for the students to engage in a process that lets them explore their innovation; during the application task, as well as the conclusion of an authentic work experience opportunity."

Ed, Director of Sixth Form, Beal High School

"Our students have really benefited from their involvement in Career Compass this year. The work placements offered memorable and exciting opportunities to grow and build their confidence. It has also motivated them to think longer-term, cultivate employability skills and begin preparing for life outside  the school gates. I would definitely recommend all schools to get involved."

Martin, Deputy Director of Sixth Form, Stoke Newingron School

"Working with Career Compass was great. 200 of our students got an engaging assembly building up their knowledge of the working world. They also got the opportunity to apply for bespoke work experience, which is so hard to come by."
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